Soggy days
Thursday, July 30, 2020
There is a walking track that runs from our local train station to an industrial area. It is quite flat, well graded and goes through open paddocks - a popular track for dog walks and bike rides. There are cattle in these paddocks, which is a novelty for the girls, as all the fields in our area seem to be busy growing houses.
Last week we had quite a bit of rain and it shows that, naturally, our local area would be quite swampy as the land seems to flood easily. And the land this track runs through is no exception.
Jesse, our dog, has fallen into the habit of jumping in the car with us when I take Charlie to the train station in the mornings for school and a few mornings ago he struck gold - on the spur of the moment I decided to take him for a walk along this track, while there was a break in the weather (he couldn't believe his luck, normally I just do a u-turn and go home!)
And half way along, the track ended in this:
Except for the fence poles, you could easily think this was the lake's edge!
On the way back I spotted this massive fungi high up in the tree.
Two days later I took the girls and bikes (and dog) for a run before picking Charlie up. The water had subsided somewhat (at least off the track), but there was still so much water around - and lots of frogs and ducks and other water birds.
There is quite a comprehensive drainage system under this track and the girls discovered mini whirlpools forming for each drainage pipe - the force was surprisingly strong.
Of course, there was quite a bit of "accidentally" falling in!
We went home happy and invigorated, but with with cold toes!
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