On one of those beautifully warm end-of-winter days, on a day when I was feeling the need to take it slow and steady without stress, Christina took us (myself, Erin and Natalie) into West Head National Park for a walk.

The wildflowers were out, the sun was warm, the girls were happy and the bush smelled good. The views into the distance are a good reminder of how big the world really is and the small Australian wildflowers are a good reminder to stop and be in that moment, in that small part of time - if you go too fast you miss them.
We stopped at a rock platform, all warm and toasty in the sun, and Christina and I had a snooze. How wonderful to lie in the bush and sleep. I woke after maybe half an hour because the sun had moved and was no longer feeling burning hot on my legs!
While my sister and I were snoozing, the girls had occupied themselves by building rock sculptures, decorated with flowers (apparently they were pirate ships).
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