Books we have read in Term 1

Sunday, May 6, 2018
Every year I try and keep track of the books we have read together and then inevitably lose that piece of paper or the diary I wrote it in is gets filed away in a box somewhere.  Maybe an online version will work better ... here goes.

For our group reading this term (I try and read to the kids while they have breakfast) we read the series by Patricia MacLachlan, starting with 'Sarah, Plain and Tall'.  There are five books in this series and we are about three chapters from the end of the last one.  They are easy to read and were enjoyed by us all.

At bedtime I also read to the girls and this year, so far, we have read 'Little House in the Big Woods' and 'Little House on the Prairie'.  Erin loved these stories and would love to keep going with the series (I also loved these stories as a child and reread all of them many times) but Natalie was probably a bit young got a bit bored of them at times.

After a few months of "American farmer/settler" stories, I think it's time for a change.  With the girls I have just started 'Folk from Fey Berattelsea', a book given to the girls by a friend whose grandmother wrote, and published, the story.  It is a book of short stories about the land of Fey Berattelsea, where all sorts of magical folk live.  Natalie is enjoying this much more.

I think for our breakfast readings I will move onto something completely different too - maybe humorous or science fiction.

As an aside, I remembered a story from one of the Laura Ingalls books where she describes filling a full glass of milk with popcorn and being amazed that the cup didn't overflow - so the girls gave it a go!

So there was a little bit of science thrown in as we had discussions about why this would happen!


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