The Lady and the Unicorn

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Last Thursday we went to Sydney to meet up with my good friend Monique and some of her children, and her mother, to go and see The Lady and The Unicorn tapestries at the Art Gallery of NSW.

The kids and I had done a bit of research earlier in the week into the history and making of medieval tapestries, so to then see them in "real life" was fantastic.

I have had a fascination with all things medieval for most of my life and have known these tapestries quite well for a long time, so to see them hanging all together was wonderful.  I am struggling to write words, I will just add photos!

I was pleasantly surprised to see how taken the children were with them, particularly Charlie who, with his friend Alban, seemed to spend a long time discussing the various theories about their meaning - he's convinced there is a deeper meaning that we have all missed!

Charlie and Alban
There was a small room displaying the Gallery's own bestiary (along with an impressive narwhal horn) and some of the softest fleece with tables to have a go at weaving.

Charlie, Alban and Channan


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