Science Experiments

Tuesday, May 15, 2018
I have made a real effort this term to do more science experiments - the kids always love them and I don't know why they seem "too hard"; especially at primary level they are relatively easy and straight forward.

The science theme/subject this term, at least for Natalie's curriculum, is matter and mixtures and solutions and how chemical reactions cause change.  (Erin's science subject is insects, but they both sit in on each other's "lessons" so both girls are learning about both topics).

Here are some photos from our most recent experiments. 

These first ones were experiments done from a chemistry set that used to belong to Rory and Natalie has asked and asked and asked to do experiments from it.   In a beautiful serendipitous way, the first experiments listed (and also the easiest) were about changing compounds from solid to liquid or to gas and back again.

Below is an experiment to dissolve sugar into water and use heat to then evaporate the water to be left with the sugar (this only just worked - salt may have been better)

Mixing up plaster to make moulds for painting (not really an experiment but it shows a chemical change happening)

And yesterday we made a simple soft cheese, using the lemon juice to curdle the milk and make it into a solid


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